welcome to the coven!

this is my personal web page. furbycoven was initially the name i was using to share/promote my art on social media, but i've slowly been trying to move away from that whole world and back towards a version of the internet that felt like a place i could actually connect with others.
there's a lot to be afraid of right now, there's a lot to resist right now, getting off social media is definitely not the start or end of any resistance, but...
it feels like a lifestyle change i want to make, that's rooted in addressing a larger-scale problem
the enshittification of online spaces has impacted my ability to use the internet as a tool for interacting with other people + actually spend my time looking at things i actually care about.
TL;DR i'm doing this instead of making a bluesky lmao

things that you could click
this is a work in progress. aren't we all?
- zines (coming soon!)
- projects i've done elsewhere (coming soon!)
- comics (coming soon!)