tuesday, age 27, they/them pronouns

- i make zines
- i've been dabbling in digital illustration and collage
- i'm trying to break up with social media
i'm an autistic/queer/nonbinary artist & maker.
i'm also a "child of the internet" or whatever - i grew up semi-religiously checking my fav virtual pet fansites on geocities in the early 00's, i've been through the trenches of deviantart/tumblr/quizilla (hell yeah)/whateverthefuck, tried to do the 'professional freelance artist social media presence' and it gets me in a nasty spiral of self-doubt, anxiety over how i present my identity publicly, and... overall it just makes it not fun anymore.
i'm here because i'm seeking community, first and foremost. the "old web" always felt so homemade and personal, like an actual space that existed separate from the locations and circumstances we may have no control over. i've always had an easier time connecting with people via writing and images, and that's been pretty easy to integrate into a 'normal' social life as i've come of age in the peak era of social media.
i made a zine expanding on this idea (i'll post links to it later), but... basically this is the digital manifestation of a little fort/scrapbook/bulletin board of things that interest me, make me happy, stuff that feels 'authentic' (whatever that even means anymore).